Sunday, April 04, 2010

S.O.S - Cheap and EASY!

Firstly - forgive the paper plate. I try to do better in my photos - but Mama's very tired tonight and feeling too lazy to do the dishes!


Bread (pictured is White but this is excellent for your dryer Wheats and Ezekial loaves)
white country gravy mix (with water or half water substituted with high protein milk)
2 pkgs Budding Honey Turkey


1. Prepare gravy according to package directions.
2. Cut up Turkey into ribbons and put into gravy and stir
3. Slop it onto a slice or two of bread and serve warm

It's what I grew up calling S.O.S - as my mom always said. But it's also known as "Shit on a Shingle" which means you can literally put any "shit" you want to into it and call it a meal. However, as I learned tonight - Dont refer to it as "Shit on a Shingle" to a 6yr old as they will absolutely REFUSE to go near it then! LOL!

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