Monday, February 15, 2010

A Few Reasons I Do Things The Way I Do....

Why Whey Protein Isolates?

I choose to use Whey Protein supplements for many reasons. Some of them are personal preference and some of them are research related. Whey protein is better than other proteins because it has the highest Biological Value (BV) of any known protein. This means that the proportion of protein that is absorbed and incorporated into your body's proteins is higher from whey protein than from other protein sources. It's important to know that you CAN get your protein from eating a high protein diet - but I choose to supplement daily because some days - several a week actually - I will fall short without the shakes/bars. So while Whey Protein Shakes are not a nessesity for most - they have worked for me in my weightloss journey.

Why Not Soy?

Two major reasons I don't do soy protein: 1. Soy is known to have estrogen in it. I dont need the extra hormones and my husband ESPECIALLY doesn't. I also don't want to alter my daughter's body with it either. We do eat Edamame occasionally - which are soybeans and do have the estrogens - but that is not a daily thing. 2. It's not as bio-available as a whey protein is. Your body uses whey better, more efficiently than soy.

How Fast Will I Lose Weight if I Eat Like You?

Every body is different and you are not guarenteed to lose weight if you eat like me. Im not really eating to lose weight any longer but to maintain my weight. Besides - this is not really a weight loss plan. This is not a diet. You dont do this for a month or two and then quit. This is a totally new relationship with food. Broadening your horizons and trying foods that maybe you haven't before. You certainly will not lose weight with this if you do not excersize. I work out roughly 5 days a week doing an hour of cardio each day - and 30 minutes of weight training. I recently began running.

I will add to this as often as questions come up. I make up some of my recipes and some of them I get from other websites/books and then alter them. If I give you an exact copy of someone's recipe I will also link to that person - or give them credit in some way. I have done a lot of websearching for these and may have lost some of the links - so if you see YOUR recipe on here and would like acknowledgement - PLEASE email me and let me know! Im greatful for the recipes and love to give credit where it is due!

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